Brewer's Introduction to Managerial Accounting has earned a reputation as the most accessible and readable book on the market. Its manageable chapters and clear presentation point students...
Foundations of Financial Management has built a loyal following due to its strong real-world emphasis, clear writing style, and step-by-step explanations that simplify difficult concepts. The text...
Human Anatomy & Physiology continues the authors’ tradition of innovation, with a focus on effective ways to help students learn. Suitable for learners at every level – Applications throughout...
M: Organizational Behavior, 3e provides the essential OB knowledge to students in an accessible, student focused presentation. This text builds on the strengths of the main textbook, including a...
Improve student learning outcomes using Connect, our easy-to-use homework and learning management solution that embeds learning science and award-winning adaptive tools to improve student results...
Physical Geology is a classic introductory text that has helped countless students learn basic physical geology concepts for over 25 years. Students taking introductory physical geology to...
Empower students to develop their global mindset! Up-to-date, relevant and engaging, Geringer: International Business 2e provides a flexible, modular format for instructors along with...
Talaro’s Foundations in Microbiology is an allied health microbiology text with a taxonomic approach to the disease chapters. It offers an engaging and accessible writing style through the use...
Improve student learning outcomes using Connect, our easy-to-use homework and learning management solution that embeds learning science and award-winning adaptive tools to improve student results...
Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering2 Atomic Structure and Bonding3 Crystal and Amorphous Structures in Materials4 Solidification, Crystalline Imperfections5 Thermally Activated...
Communicate the Meaning of Variation in a Business Context Variation exists everywhere in the world around us and successful businesses know how to measure variation. This text shows readers how...
Environmental Science: A Global Concern is a comprehensive presentation of environmental science for non-science majors which emphasizes critical thinking, environmental responsibility, and...
Communicating in Groups provides a contemporary look at group communication while retaining the foundational research and theory that has made the text popular. This text's conversational style...
Saunders and Cornett's Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Approach provides an innovative approach that focuses on managing return and risk in modern financial institutions. The...
Developing Skills for the classroom and beyond: Fundamentals of Cost Accounting lets the student see the development of cost accounting tools and techniques as a natural response to decision making...
Introducing Communication Theory: Analysis and Application focuses on the links between theory and everyday experiences. This text uses an engaging writing style and a consistent, organized...